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ERP systems for businesses

ERP systems for businesses

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The task of the ERP type system (enterprise resource planning) is the integration of various functions and departments in the organization. From the operational point of view, this lies in using shared data with the help of various functionalities or modules of the computer system.

ERP programs are most often used by companies or organizations to combine several main areas of activity, such as accounting, staff, salary, sales, warehousing and CRM into one complete system. In advanced versions, you can also have services, production or logistics managing. Often, by a special order a number of auxiliary functions created in accordance with the special needs of the organization can be implemented.  In our offer we have several systems that meet the criteria of the above description.
Comarch ERP Optima Comarch ERP Optima  - is a management and accounting program for small, medium-sized companies and for accounting.
enova365 System ERPenova365 System ERP    - is an integrated, multi-module ERP program.
Comarch ERP XLComarch ERP XL  -  an integrated computer ERP system, featuring a modular structure.
BILANSBILANS  - an integrated enterprise management system, designed for medium and large enterprises.